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 Hola Amigos

      Jersauni's Creations


Our Mission

Jersauni's Creations mission is teach the basic rudiments of Spanish in a fun interactive way. We are commited to helping young children use their environment productively and see themselves as capable learners-as individuals developing the foundational skills to understand Spanish as a secondary language.I​

Our Vision

Most foreign language schools, online programs and software tend to design their curriculum to suit children 5 years and older.  We believe that there is a place for quality, effective language arts program that seeks to educate children during their early child hood years. Our goal is  to be the leading company in teaching Spanish to younger children. Our Creative Curriculum set us apart from the norm as we design our lesson plans to help children enhance their socio-emotional, cogntive, and physical development-all while learning Spanish.           .​


Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.    

                ~ Roger Lewin

Jersauni's Creations is produced by a commited team lead by Ureka Crittenden.


Jersauni's Creations team of management, designers, artists, and information technology have come together to ensure the best quality Spanish program that encourages young children to learn Spanish. Our certified teachers conduct sessions at your site, thus making learning convenient, interactive, fun and effective.   

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