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 Hola Amigos

 Jersauni's Creations


Learn Spanish Spring Vocabulary







Need: Baking cups/Cupcake holders, markers, glue, paper, cotton ball, cologne...



1.  Have children make flowers by coloring baking cups with markers and gluing them on construction paper stems and leaves.

2.  Spray cotton balls with cologne or air freshener, and have the children glue a fragrant cotton ball to the center of each "blossom." When the flowers are dry, display them on the wall or a bulletin board and invite visitors to "stop and smell the flowers."



 Flores (FLOH-res) flowers


Pajaros (PAH-jah-rose) birds


El Sol   (ail-SOHL) the sun


Helado (AY-lah-doh) ice cream


Cielo     (See-ay-loh) sky


Mariposa  (mah-ree-POH-sah) butterfly

Spring Song English

(One, Little, Two Little Tune)

Cancion de Primavera

(One Little, Two Little Tune)

Uno dos, tres, mariposas


Cuatro, cinco, seis mariposas


Siete, ocho, nueve mariposas


volando en el cielo.

Cut and Decorate SnowFlakes

Click on Butterfly to Print and Decorate





Materials: Paper Plates,

Construction Paper, Glue, Yellow Paint, Sunflower Seeds

1.  Have children cut out several yellow petals and paste on small paper plate previously painted yellow.

2.  Fill the centers with sunflower seeds.


MEXICAN TYPE FLOWERS: Colorful, Fun, and Pretty!

Need: Tissue paper in a variety of colors, scissors, and floral wire or colored pipe cleaners.


  1.  To make the flowers, layer five or six rectangular sheets of the same size tissue paper (the colors can be mixed or not). The smaller the tissue paper sheets, the smaller the flower.

  2.  Starting at one of the short ends of the paper, fold the paper into one-inch accordion folds - as if making a fan. 

  3.  Next, wrap floral wire or a pipe cleaner tightly around the CENTER of folded tissue paper. Straighten one of the wires for the stem.

  4.  Gently pull the layers of tissue paper apart, out and up… and fluff them to create a lush burst of colorful flower petals.

  La Primavera




One, Little, Two Litte, Three Little butterflies.



Four Little, Five Little, Six Little butterflies.


Seven Little, Eight Little, Nine little butterflies,


flying in the sky.

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